Scriabin: A Nation
So one day, someone online asked which country produces different people’s favourite classical music. My thoughts immediately jumped to my favourite composer, Scriabin, and I just put his name down as a joke. This joke soon Turned into an extended conversation on what Scriabin is like if he were a country.
So now, I will expand a bit more on this ….
National anthem: Scriabin: Symphony No.2, movement V
Official language: Russian, French
President: Scriabin himself
Best feature: there is never a revolution as the people are compelled by musical spirits
Capital: Scriabingrad
Best university: Scriabin Conservatory
Airline: Scriabin Airways (cheapest 5-star airline)
Banned musical item: Scriabin Piano Sonata No. 6
Most popular musician: Vladimir Sofronitsky
Most popular musical genre: prelude